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Conecsus Revolutionary RACS Process for Metals Waste Recovers Profits, Product
Thursday, May 7, 2015

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAConecsus, LLC, an innovative environmental technology and recycling company, announces the development of a revolutionary and proprietary waste reprocessing technology for the electronics manufacturing industry. The new process, known as RACS (Reducing Agent: Coke Substitute) technology processes “contaminated trash” into a carbon-rich reducing agent which is then used to make pure metals and profits from dross and oxides. This waste stream is generally comprised of under-stencil wipes, spent paste, tubes and jars, gloves, rags, finger cots, and other similar items that are, from a regulatory standpoint, a characteristically hazardous regulated waste.

In making the announcement, Pete Ruth, North American Business Manager, said, “The RACS technology we developed allows us to take that ‘contaminated trash’ material and re-use it as a reagent ingredient in the processing of other materials, such as solder dross. This may have the effect of changing its regulatory status, so that a generator may be able to send it to us as a non-hazardous “reagent ingredient”.”

This is a small but important distinction, Mr. Ruth adds, “Because in many cases, generators in most states will be able to ship it to us with the dross on a common carrier and with a bill of lading, versus on an expensive hazardous waste carrier, or through a hazardous waste management firm which charges expensive fees. As such, it’s a far less expensive proposition to ship to us, and in addition to the cost savings,  the electronics manufacturer may not be required to report it to their state as hazardous waste on their Toxic Release Inventory reports. But again, it’s determined on a case-by-case basis, subject to local and state regulations.”

According to Mr. Ruth, the VOC content and toxic metal residues are what cause ‘contaminated trash’ to be considered characteristically hazardous by the regulatory bodies, and these cannot be processed or transported in the same fashion as solder dross when a generator has Small or Large Quantity Generator status.  As such, they are very expensive to manage or dispose of, and a great deal of record keeping is required to remain compliant with state and federal regulations.

“Being able to ship to us for RACS processing can help keep an electronics manufacturer in compliance with hazardous waste regulations, and also generates payback to the manufacturer; dross is paid for not a credit, and not as part of some larger pay-to-play deal involving raw material discounts, and the cost for clients to manage their hazardous waste is a fraction of what it was prior to our development of the RACS process,” Mr. Ruth concludes.

Conecsus, LLC processes wastes containing primarily Tin, Tin-Zinc, Lead, Silver, Gold, and Copper, and converts them into usable metal products for sale into the global market.

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