Ryder Industries Ltd, the Swiss-owned EMS provider with manufacturing facilities in China, today announced that its next-generation ERP system has been in use for more than a month and has provided tighter integration in real time across all three Ryder locations. The new system ensures fine-grained control of materials and processes, faster follow-up, and more comprehensive integration. The primary result will be higher shipment delivery accuracy.
Running on new high-performance hardware, the system is more than 10X more powerful than Ryder’s now-retired IBM minicomputer. Also noteworthy is its advanced-design data retrieval architecture known as a “Storage Area Network,” which is not only exceptionally fast, but also highly resilient, with easily administered storage replication and rapid disaster recovery.
The software configuration has been thoroughly evaluated, and implementation began with an in-depth review of Ryder’s processes. This ensured that the company made best use of its new ERP facilities. The software is Microsoft’s world-class Dynamics AX. Several of Ryder’s customers are now using, or planning to use, this well-supported suite. For the final implementation testing, Ryder actually shut down its old system for several days, froze the results, and provided the same set of data inputs in the same sequence to the new system. They matched, and the new system was allowed to go live.
The results delivered to Ryder’s customers include improved on-time shipments, more extensive traceability and a higher responsiveness.
For more information, please visit www.ryderems.com.
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