YXLON International, a company of the Swiss tech holding, Comet Group, is pleased to announce that Keith Bryant, Global Director Electronics Sales, has been selected to present during productronica Messe München in Germany. Bryant will speak during the SMTA Technical Program in the SMT Speakers Corner (A1.220) on Thursday, Nov. 16, 2017 from 1-1:30 p.m. The presentation will look at the advantages that cross over X-ray systems, like the YXLON FF35 CT, bring to CT imaging in electronics failure analysis and in-depth fault finding. Bryant will discuss the latest technologies and show stunning reconstructions.
Additionally, Bryant will discuss metrology, which is just starting to be possible at this level, due to the high precision manipulation systems and the granite bases of these new systems. The FF35 CT brings a new dimension to electronics X-ray, allowing users to benefit from technology revolutionary in our industry.
Manufactured in Germany, the YXLON FF35 CT brings NDT (Non-Destructive Test) expertise to the micro-electronics world, allowing wafer-level CT up to complete assembly CT, taken as a single image, but the operator can easily drill down to sub-micron level in the 3D reconstruction. Reconstruction happens in parallel, so it works very quickly, using market-leading software ensures even sub-micron features can be viewed and measured easily. The high-resolution FF35 CT system as well as the other Yxlon X-ray and CT systems dedicated for the electronics market can be visited at productronica booth 405 in hall A2. Visitors can bring parts in order to experience the capabilities of the Yxlon X-ray and CT systems.
Bryant has more than 25 years of successful experience at a senior level in technical sales, primarily in the X-ray field. He is responsible for all YXLON channels to market, and developing the company’s global sales team to be even closer to its customers, understanding their needs and reacting promptly.
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