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KIC and SmartRep introduce real-time dashboard, traceability and data analytics at productronica
Thursday, October 26, 2017

KIC Vantage DashboardKIC today announced plans to exhibit with SmartRep in Hall A2, Stand 361 at productronica 2017, scheduled to take place Nov. 14 – 17, 2017 at the Messe München in Germany. The KIC team will debut the new ecosystem led by the Vantage network software system and discuss the SPS smart profiler.

The new KIC Vantage software is designed to help engineers gain insight into their reflow and wave solder processes to enable better and faster decision making. It provides a real-time dash-board for thermal processes, accessible anywhere, from any authorized PC or mobile device. The process data is automatically stored in a central location where the engineer can quickly retrieve and share all relevant data.

The Vantage delivers value to users, not through massive amounts of raw data, but through convenient access to only relevant and/or actionable data.  For example, with a few mouse clicks, the user can access traceability data for every assembled PCB within a certain time frame, oven, shift, client name, or all of the above.

The new KIC SPS smart profiler collects the profile data and compares it to the process specifications. Within seconds, the new smart profiler also suggests an improved reflow oven setup. It utilizes smart factory technologies to acquire and analyze thermal process for new insight and actionable data leading to increased production line utilization, reduced rework and electricity use.

Move toward the future of line connectivity, flexible production, process transparency, machine learning and real-time insight. For more information about KIC, stop by Hall A2, Stand 361 during productronica or visit


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