BREAKING NEWS: Altus and Accelonix to Showcase SMT Production and Test Equipment at the Manufacturing Technology Centre, Coventry
Selective Soldering: Design, Process Challenges & Practical Solutions Workshop
Thursday, March 24, 2016

Tuesday, 19th April 2016 at Anglo Production Processes, Bromsgrove


smartThe Workshop will start at 10.00am with coffee and delegate registration from 9.30am and conclude around 4pm

Workshop Introduction:

For many organisations through hole components will remain a reality for many years. More and more surface mount components are used in design, through hole is in decline, however the reality is connectors, transformers, switches, LCD displays and electrolytic capacitors are still necessary in many products.  So what is the most reliable and cost effective solution to through hole soldering in a tin/lead and lead-free environment?  Selective soldering has become more popular in the last few years for small and large companies alike. Selective wave and point soldering are both options but what are the realities.

In this workshop the instructors will look at all aspects of the different processes, soldering performance and yield from different joint terminations, solder finishes and joint structures. Each delegate will also receive aFREE set of Inspection Wall Charts covering soldering of lead-free terminations and common defects found in manufacture.

During the session there will be a short time spent on alternative selective soldering processes like robotic point and laser soldering for high and low temperature soldering and the use of low temperature solders for surface mount and through hole parts.

Who should attend?

This event is ideally suited to any member of staff working in electronics manufacturing or design with a need to improve their knowledge of the selective soldering process. Managers will also benefit from a fuller understanding of the issues involved. The cost per delegate includes refreshments, lunch and copies of the presentations which will be emailed after the event.

The event will include both presentations and hands-on practical sessions to create and run a selective soldering program on a machine. Due to the hands-on sessions, numbers are limited, so book early to avoid disappointment!

Speakers and topics covered will include:

Bob Willis and Nigel Burtt (Renishaw), SMART Group Technical Committee
“Selective Soldering Design and Process Setup Overview”

Charles Cawthorne (MBDA), SMART Group Technical Committee
“Selective Soldering – Implementation, Board Design & Optimisation – A Users Perspective”

Wim Schouten (Vitronics-Soltec)
“Fine-Pitch Selective Soldering”
“Selective Soldering with a Minimum Amount of Flux”

Ross Bennett (Kester)
“Developing A Zero-Halogen No-Clean Liquid Flux Specifically for the Selective Soldering Process”

Click here to download flyer and booking form or Read full details on our website

Office: +44 (0)208 4322741
Mobile: +44 (0)7504 231575

c/o 77 Mill Road
Husborne Crawley
MK43 0XF

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