ACE Production Technologies, Inc., a leading supplier of selective soldering systems, component lead tinning systems and lead tinning services, is pleased to announce that the Jet Propulsion Laboratory has invested in a third KISS-103 selective soldering machine.
The KISS-103 selective soldering system will be installed at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory facility located in Pasadena, California and is the third selective soldering machine Jet Propulsion Laboratory has ordered from ACE Production Technologies.
“The KISS-103 is a fully-configured selective soldering platform equipped with “Super Quick” processing speeds and closed-loop positioning feedback with linear encoders,” said Alan Cable President of ACE Production Technologies. “The KISS-103 comes standard with the ACE automated fiducial location and correction system providing single click fiducial teach capability, seamless fiducial recognition and true automated alignment and skew correction of the printed circuit board.”
Cable added, “Other innovative features include the new SWAK-OS machine operating software which is a revolutionary graphics-based programming and editing machine control system that features fast program loading and program recall with minimal operator intervention. A major benefit of the SWAK-OS is the integrated board scanning function that automatically captures and saves an image of a printed circuit board to the selective soldering program.”
The Jet Propulsion Laboratory is a unique national research facility that carries out robotic space and earth science missions and is managed for NASA by Caltech. JPL helped open the space age by developing America’s first earth-orbiting science satellite, creating the first successful interplanetary spacecraft, and sending robotic missions to study all the planets in the solar system as well as asteroids, comets and the earth’s moon.
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