AIM Solder, a leading global manufacturer of solder assembly materials for the electronics industry, is pleased to announce that Dr. Mehran Maalekian, R&D Director, will present at the TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition, scheduled to take place February 26th – March 2nd, 2017 at the San Diego Convention Center and Marriot Marquis & Marina in San Diego, CA.
Based on AIM’s recent study, Dr. Maalekian’s presentation titled “Effect of Ni on Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of Sn-0.7Cu and SAC307 Solder Alloys,” evaluates the result of micro-alloying Ni in Sn99.3%/Cu0.7 and Sn96.3/Ag3/Cu0.7 alloys and the effect on intermetallic growth kinetics during aging.
Dr. Mehran Maalekian is experienced in materials engineering with a focus on physical metallurgy, soldering, modelling in materials engineering, metal forming and thermo-mechanical processes. Since the start of his career Dr. Maalekian has received numerous recognitions such as the National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada Award, the International Henry Granjon Prize (IIW), and IWS-Sossenheimer Award. Dr. He has published many scientific and technical papers and also serves as a reviewer of several scientific journals and is on the editorial board of “Science and Technology of Welding and Joining.”
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