BREAKING NEWS: Hanwha Techwin Acquires SAMSUNG C&T Automation, Will Exhibit at APEX
Soldering Voids: Formation, Causes and Mitigation Workshop
Thursday, October 13, 2016

October 25, 2016 @ 9:30 am – 4:00 pm at MTC, Coventry The Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC)


The Workshop will start at 10.00am with coffee and delegate registration from 9.30am and conclude around 4pm

The workshop will include presentations from soldering consumable suppliers, inspection equipment suppliers and from Manufacturing Technology Centre staff working with SMART Group

Topics that will be covered during the workshop are:

What is a void? What agreed definitions can we use?
What are the root causes of voiding? What can we do to prevent these?
How good is your inspection equipment for void detection? What new techniques are available?
How does voiding impact the performance and reliability of your products?
What are the current international standards applicable to voiding?
Who should attend?

This event is ideally suited to any member of staff working in electronics manufacturing and design. Managers will also benefit from a fuller understanding of the issues currently being experienced in our industry. The costs for delegates include tea and coffee, lunch and full access to copies of all the presentation material immediately after the event. There may also be an opportunity for delegates to have a tour of some of the MTC facilities if requested.

Cost per delegate will be £85 for SMART Group Members and £175 for non-members.

To book you place email or call Keith Bryant +44 (0)208 4322741 Mobile: +44 (0)7946 133531

Further details available in this PDF which includes a booking form

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