Electronic assembly equipment and consumables materials supplier APP is to host another technology day at its prestigious Worcestershire HQ and demonstration facility. In previous years, these days, which are open to all comers, have proved exceptionally popular. The seminar programme is supported by a two-day open house exhibition in the company’s equipment and demonstration showrooms.
On the morning of Wednesday 20th April, representatives from APP’s principals, alongside the company’s own skilled and experienced application support staff, will present four process-focused topics. The day will start with a presentation on advanced screen printing, followed by UV coatings, 3D AOI and finally flexible selective soldering.
To round off the morning, APP will host an open forum panel discussion on one of the global industry’s hottest topics – Factory 4.0. After lunch, delegates will be able to experience four live machine demonstrations in the company’s smart showroom. Visitors are also invited to attend APP’s open exhibition in the Application Lab. This runs in parallel with the technical seminar programme on 20th April and will be repeated on 21st April. The exhibition will be open from 9.00am to 5.00pm on both days.
Products on display in the APP Application Lab, and available for demonstration supported by technical experts, include solutions from Asymtek, ASYS, Brady, CyberOptics, DIMA, Ekra, Kester, Peters and Vitronics Soltec.
With interest in APP’s Technology Days traditionally high, and the industry beginning to experience growth, seminar delegates and open house visitor are encouraged to book early. Registration can be completed online at APP’s website: www.appelectronics.co.uk. There is no charge for attending the Technology Day seminar programme or the open house exhibition.
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