Yamaha announces that effective 1st September, 2016, Yamaha Motor IM Europe GmbH has merged with Yamaha Motor Europe N.V., the headquarters of the Yamaha Motor group in Europe based in the Netherlands.
The modification of our legal structure will not affect our day-to-day operations. Yamaha SMT business will continue from 1st September, 2016 onwards in the form of a registered German branch of YME under the name:
Yamaha Motor Europe N.V.,Niederlassung Deutschland, Geschäftsbereich IM,German Branch Office, IM Business
As a result of the merger we will be aligned with the Yamaha Motor group in Europe, enhancing our European operations. Mr. Soichiro Kamijima will continue to manage successfully the branch. He states ”Yamaha’s aim is to strengthen our SMT sales capabilities and the support to our distributors and agents in Europe. Yamaha will continue on the path of growth we have taken since the company was established in 2011.”
Yamaha’s focus remains the commitment to best serve our customers and to continue to deliver our high-quality and reliable products and excellent services.
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