GOEPEL electronics extends the availability of ChipVORX® model libraries for Bit Error Rate Test (BERT) using SoC FPGAs of the Altera Arria® V series to support embedded test and embedded programming.
ChipVORX® is a technology for universal control of Chip Embedded Instruments via JTAG port.
The special ChipVORX® models are modular IP (Intellectual Properties), which contain all relevant access information for the target FPGA and are part of a comprehensive IP library. Thus, the user can select the target FPGA and then enable the desired test or programming function during project development. Fast Flash programming, RAM Access tests and universal clock frequency measurement as well as Bit Error Rate Tests (BERT) can be performed without special FPGA knowledge required of the user. By design, with integrated test electronics no needles or probes are necessary for contacting the UUT. Application settings for the FPGA images (including the connection between IP and pin) are performed automatically and without FPGA synthesis. Parameters for functions like Bit Error Rate Test and frequency measurement are interactively set via control panels and become operative immediately.
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