Amerway Inc., a leading solder manufacturer servicing the electronics industry with high-purity alloys and solder products,announces the availability of all types of standard and custom anodes for electroplating in electronics manufacturing.
Electroplating applications include surface preparation, decorative finishing on metals and plastics, sealing, aircraft bearings, and electrical interconnects in microelectronic devices.
In making the announcement, Tim Brown, Sales Manager, said, “We make our anodes using only high purity, virgin materials; this ensures that Amerway cast or extruded anodes are the highest quality available. Our state-of-the-art manufacturing facility applies the latest methods of advanced production control to ensure highest quality and consistency, and strict laboratory control of the manufacturing process ensures repeatable quality and consistency. Our high-purity virgin tin anodes are made in our Altoona, Pennsylvania manufacturing facility and are used by electronics plating operations across North America.”
Anode metals include copper, nickel, tin, copper-tin, lead, tin-lead, tin-zinc, zinc, and others.
Typical anode forms include bars, stars, ovals, ingots, flats, nuggets, chunks, foil, ribbon, cathodes, cut cathodes, rectangles, slugs, and many custom shapes for various plating setups.
For more information, visit, or contact the company at 3701 Beale Avenue, Altoona, PA 16601; Tel. 814-944-0200.
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